Steamed fish with sweet soy sauce which you can get in Chinese restaurants can be quite simple to make, as long as you have the three main ingredients, ginger, coriander and spring onions ; and a lot of them. What we'll be referring to as the "main three". Of course, soy sauce as well.
- Fish
- Ginger
- Spring Onion
- Coriander
- 150ml Soy sauce
- 30 ml Oil
- 1 tbsp Oyster sauce
- 1 tbsp Sugar
- 1 tbsp Chicken Stock
Instructions (Preparing the fish for steaming)
- Finely slice the ginger and spring onions. Roughly chop the coriander. Basically there is no quantity for this, the more the better (of course reasonably according to fish size).
- Clean the fish and pat dry with kitchen towel.
- Fill the cavity of the fish with the main three. Then, cover the top of the fish with the main three as well. Leave a bit of the main three to add a fresh flavour to the fish.
- Put the fish in the steamer and steam for about 15-30 minutes depending on the size of the fish.

Instructions (Sweet Soy Sauce)
- Heat up the soy sauce in a pot and add the sugar.
- Add chicken stock, oyster sauce, water and pepper.
- As soon as you take off the soy sauce off the pot, pour it over the fish. Add more of the main three on top.
- Heat up 30ml oil in a pot and while hot, pour all over the fish.
Pour the hot soy sauce mixture on the fish.
Pile more ginger,coriander and spring onion on top of the fish.
Pour the very hot oil all over the fish and greens.
The flavours from the ginger, spring onions and coriander together with the sweet soy sauce is exactly what makes this steamed fish so good!
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