Thursday, April 28, 2011

Choux Pastry Recipe

This is the wonderful cook book that we've been looking at since we were children! The book that has taught us a lot about cooking!  In the previous posts we promised the recipe for the cream puff dough. This dough can be used for eclairs too! Just make sausage shapes and you have your eclairs!
So here's the recipe! 

1 cup water
4 tbsp of unsalted butter (if you use salted butter skip the salt)
1/4 tsp salt
1 tbsp granulated sugar
1 cup all-purpose flour
4 large eggs
Some beaten egg to brush on the top on the pastry (We skipped this part! Cause we just simply forgot :p)

1. Preheat oven to 190C. Butter ad lightly flour the cookie sheet.
2. Place water, salt, butter and sugar in heavy bottomed saucepan. Cook over medium heat. Continue cooking for 2 minutes after the liquid starts to boil.
3. Reduce heat to low. Add all of the flour and mix rapidly with a wooden spoon. Cook dough until it no longer sticks to the spoon or your fingers when pinched. Be sure to mix constantly.
4. Remove pan from heat and transfer the mixture into a bowl. Let it cool for 3 minutes.
5. Incorporate the eggs one at a time, mixing well between additions. (This is where the arm muscles come in! Be prepared to have aching arms the next day!) Mixture must regain its smooth texture before the next egg is added. The finished dough should be shiny and smooth. 
6. Fit pastry bag with a plain, round tip. Fill pastry bag with dough and squeeze out shapes of your choice. (We just used a plastic bag and cut a hole at the tip cause we didn't have a pastry bag) Make sure to leave spaces in between each cream puff, eclair or whatever you're making!
7. Brush the tops of the shapes with beaten egg, smoothing the tails left by the pastry bag. Let the dough stand at room temperature for 20 minutes.
8. Bake for 35 minutes. Turn off the heat and position the door ajar. Let stand for 45 minutes.
9. When cold, fill with your choice of pastry cream or whipped cream. Glaze the tops with caramel or chocolate. (This is optional!)

This is the recipe from the book! It's obvious we didn't really follow the recipe thoroughly. We skipped step 7 and the last part of step 8. :/ But it turned out fine! :D Hope some of you try this recipe out! (:

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