Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Fruity Agar-Agar

 Oh how I remember having agar-agar (jelly) when I was a child. My mom used to make them with all kinds of flavours and shapes! Pandan or even coffee flavoured agar-agar in rabbit molds. Mmmmm. 

Agar-agar has got to be the simplest dessert to make. To make agar-agar just read the instructions on the packet for the volume of water needed to dissolve the agar in. We substituted some of the water with the liquid from the longan and fruit cocktail (from a can) cause no one wants to waste flavour! Don't forget to adjust the sweetness with some sugar! Nobody wants tasteless agar-agar! After the agar and sugar has dissolved, put the liquid into a container and add in the fruits. Don't forger to let it cool down before putting it into the fridge to set! After a few hours, it's ready to be served (;
There you have it, fruity agar-agar!

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